Jacqui Dyer
Jacqui was vice chair of England’s Mental Health Taskforce, which collaboratively developed the 5 Year Forward View for Mental Health (NHSE) and its transformation of mental health service policy and provision. Its focus on reducing mental health inequalities was further strengthened in the NHS Long Term Plan for Mental Health.
Jacqui’s ongoing lived experience of mental health challenges drives her commitment to the public service improvement agenda. Throughout Jacqui’s caring role, for three siblings diagnosed with severe mental illness, addressing the quality of services to respond to the needs of her family has created a staunch advocate in Jacqui.
Jacqui holds a BA Hons in Social Policy and Public Administration and an MA in Social Work. Jacqui also has a ‘Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector’ (PTLLS) Diploma.
Jacqui has co-led the Mayoral ‘Thrive London’ programme since inception. Jacqui is an elected councillor where she is cabinet member for jobs, skills and community safety having previously jointly held the health and adult social care cabinet portfolio.